Competing Projects 2025

Vibrant Reliefs / 2024 Calendar Studio Rectangle

For our New Year’s wishes, instead of a fleeting object, we wanted to offer a present that lasts all year and surprises its recipients. It was an opportunity for us to be more creative than ever and to experiment with new techniques: in 2024, we chose a fluorescent pop-up calendar. What better way to represent Studio Rectangle than with a calendar that takes shape in three dimensions? The agency’s name comes from the rectangles that make up its world, from paper to screens.
With the pop-up, we took the simplest 2D square into the 3D space to create a multitude of different rectangles.
A pure form of graphic design emerges, defined solely by the paper itself, which is why we chose very white paper to allow the eye to focus on the volumes and perspectives revealed through shadows and viewpoints. The message accompanying the creation invited recipients to “climb through the months with enthusiasm, weave through the weeks, and discover new unexplored spaces each day.”

Creative Communication
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Freelife oikos Extra White 115 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Freelife oikos Extra White 300 g/m2
Studio Rectangle
Studio Rectangle
ABM Graphic / La Papoterie