Competing Projects 2025

Catalogo ArchibookLuca Bossi

The product catalog created for Albed, a company specializing in the production of decorative doors, was primarily designed for architects and designers, hence the name “Archibook.” Unlike the general catalog aimed at the public, this one contains specific technical insights for industry professionals, maintaining an essential, clean, and minimalist graphic design. A distinctive element is the cover, characterized by graphic processes that make the catalog not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional. In fact, to facilitate consultation, a vertical indexing on the right side has been introduced, clearly dividing the sections (a typical element of price lists that in this case takes on a graphic aspect). Inside, the graphics reflect the five color tones used to distinguish the different sections, accompanied by impactful photos showing details of Albed doors and furnishings, deconstructed and photographed in close-up.

Creative Communication
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Arena smooth Extra White 300 g/m2
Luca Bossi
Galli Thierry Milano