Benjamin Grafmeyer – Les sons de cloche / The Sounds of bell

The Sounds of bell is a self-publishing poster, produced for the french artists Cyganek&Poulain during the biennal “Chemin d’art” 2021, St-Flour, Cantal, France.The Sounds of bell is dedicated to the community of a small village: Coltines. The project began with an inventory, as a happening, consisting to meet the people and ask them to give […]

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Et d’eau fraîche – LE PÔLE 2021 – 2022

Annual brochure of the PÔLE, cultural structure. The PÔLE offering three cultural seasons: young audiences, circus and theatrical writin. The brochure contains 3 booklets of different sizes depending on the theme addressed: young audiences, circus and theatrical writing. Each booklet has a pantone colour with corresponding graphic design. The cover is printed in 3 colors […]

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israpinilla – Nozomi sushi

This sushi restaurant dedicated to Japanese food commissioned us to renovate the table set. For this project we made use of the Japanese culture and philosophy, using seamless shapes, highlighting the natural and raw features, in addition to making use of an appropriate paper to be wet and not spoil with the use in food […]

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Genau Srl – Troppo bella per stamparci

La nostra agenzia di comunicazione ha scelto Fedrigoni per la sua corporate. Ci siamo innamorati della Fedrigoni Materica, l’abbiamo consigliata ed usata per numerosi progetti con vari clienti, ma la varietà dei colori e di grammature ci hanno sempre lasciato con il desiderio di provarle ed utilizzarle tutte. Da qui la scelta di usare proprio […]

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Officine Grafiche F. Giannini e figli S.p.A. – pagine di seta

volume cartonato con cofanetto realizzato su commissione della Fondazione Banco di Napoli. in occasione dell’inaugurazione del progetto culturale Pagine di Seta. volume in Formato: 240 x 280 mm Copertina: symbol tatami bianca 150 gr 4 colori con successiva plastificazione opaca Interno: 208 pagine symbol tatami bianca 150 gr 4 colori Risguardi: su carta nettuno nero […]

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Franziska – Babaà drop-down

The main sales channel of Babaà is its online store, so most of its products reach customers by shipping. This sales process is identified from Babaà as an opportunity to show the values of the brand with some extra corporate element, which reinforces the positioning and lifestyle that Babaà encourages. Since the packaging of Baba’s […]

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Franziska – FIGURES

Art catalogue about the exhibition project ‘Figures’, by the architect Manuel Sagastume. The exhibition, organized by the Pamplona City Council (Spain), consists of a collection of 19 sculptures that could be defined halfway between art and architecture. The main material of his work is “corten” type steel, a chromatic characteristic that is reflected both in […]

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Franziska – Maria Josefa Huarte Collection

Book designed for the exhibition “Colección Mª Josefa Huarte”, held at the Museum of Fine Arts of Bilbao. A sample of works from a particular art collection based on Mª Josefa’s personal interests by arists such as Picasso, Oteiza, Kandinsky or Rothko. The book, generously formatted (280x380mm), is inspired by a well-known French publication, Derrière […]

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graphic design – 67

Almost half a century of art practice seems impossible to summarise in a blink of an eye. Edgard himself does not make pompous speeches about it. He speaks for example of ’making small sculptures’ using the relevant diminutives. In the meantime, he has created an endless procession of figures, sometimes together with children and people […]

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WHY BLUE – why blue

This is a small pocket poem/prose collection. It is divided into sketching, portraying, poeming, and dreaming. Sketch, like city street photography, records a moment of punchline. Portrayal is a short story drawn after feeling a unique scene. Poetry is mostly a language temple constructed in the mind under the emptiness of oneself. And imaginary dreams […]

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