Winners Archive 2022

1st place


These monumental “IMPRESSIONS” are much more than a “stylistic exercise” with multiple designs and signatures. While constituting “the” book presenting Europe’s largest printing museum, the AMI (Atelier-Musée de l’Imprimerie), in Malesherbes, they pay exceptional tribute to all the inventors and craftsmen of the book and the press from Gutenberg to the present day: journalists, authors, illustrators, composers, paper makers, printers, embroiderers, etc. Led by lovers of the “printed thing”, this unusual undertaking required the singular views of three photographers (Fr. Deladerrière, S. Couturier and P. Sallpist), a museum director (J.-M. Providence), a book historian (O. Deloignon), a novelist (R. Jerusalmy) and a member of the Académie française (P. Ory).
An invitation to discover or look differently at the beauty of paper, typefaces, typesetting machines and printing presses from all eras. Book co-published with AMI (Atelier-Musée de l’Imprimerie)

Arena smooth Natural 90gr
Constellation jade E/02 Satin 90gr
Savile row plain Dark Grey 200gr
Savile row plain Dark Grey 100gr