Numeroquattro – Sound wallet

Spirit crea prodotti pensati per l’ascolto e l’ascolto è il valore che ci guida. Il nostro lavoro e la nostra ricerca si basano sul rispetto della resa artistica del brano musicale e della sua fedele riproduzione. Portiamo con noi la grande competenza tecnica, concepiamo i nostri prodotti come opere uniche da possedere con orgoglio. Li […]

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D+ di Vladimiro Bendandi – La Performance a Bologna negli anni ’70

The editorial volume ‘La Performance a Bologna negli anni “70” (Performance in Bologna in the 1970s) is primarily a work of research and construction of an archive focusing on an artistic period that significantly influenced the contemporary art scene on a national and international level. It fundamentally constitutes the first and most complete historical-artistic analysis […]

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Tommaso Bovo – Design liquido

Liquid Design’ aims to understand and explain contemporary Italian design, a field still little addressed by historians and critics. The book starts from the voice of the designers through interviews conducted in person, thus rejecting the limiting method of questions and answers written from a distance: the author entered the designers’ studios, touched their prototypes […]

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Tomaso Clavarino – PADANISTAN

Negli ultimi trent’anni la parola Padania è entrata a far parte della vita quotidiana in Italia. Si riferisce a un’area del Nord Italia che si estende dalle Alpi al Mare Adriatico. Un territorio che esiste nelle idee di molti, ma che geograficamente, culturalmente e giuridicamente rimane indefinito. Padanistan è un’indagine visiva sull’identità di quest’area; il […]

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Studio La Regina – Spadafora 1915 – vini linea Albamonte

Albamonte is the archetype of the ancient village lost among the mountain paths, a magical place that welcomes visitors who have come all the way up there after a long and tortuous journey. In the evening, the festive lights illuminate the narrow streets and the village square, where a cheerful crowd toasts to the beauty […]

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Ikos | architettura della comunicazione – Alessandro Bergamini The Ice Way

The book The Ice Way collects Alessandro Bergamini’s incredible experience in the Ladakh territory of the Indian Himalayas. The screen-printed opaline slipcase looks like a semi-transparent block of ice, creating an evocative overlap between typography and photography. The rough-cut hardback cover emphasises the physicality of the volume, completely smooth and angular, like the cold felt […]

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Balocco Barbara – Giulio Cerocchi – Contaminazioni / Contaminations

This authorial photographic monograph traces the work of Giulio Cerocchi, a Milanese photographer and creative artist, from his beginnings to the present day. It consists of 5 sections that subdivide the temporal evolution of the author’s creative approach, with a didactic intent to bring the reader closer to understanding the works, in a stratified reading […]

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Numeroquattro – Jo System

The Jo System catalogue contains a selection of textures engraved on rubberised pages that faithfully reproduce the desired texture. Available in two sizes (large and small), this binder has been designed to be updated as and when required: thanks to the ring system, updated sheets can be added according to availability. The cover has been […]

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Numeroquattro – Drifter

Drifter is the family office set up in 2018 in Milan, where the team of specialists, consultants and temporary managers involved in the management of the business work in three directions: financial investments, industrial participations and philanthropy. Financial investments take place in all international markets and favour options linked to emerging sectors and economies. Great […]

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