“Bisogna sempre far bene quello che si fa, anche una follia” Lo studio vi augura un anno di follie ben fatte ! Per augurarvi un buon anno 2022, volevamo ottenere una creazione grafica che “denoti” . Una creazione a cui aderiamo all’unanimità, o al contrario, per niente. Ma una creazione che non lasci indifferenti. Abbiamo […]
Archives: Projects
Designfabrik – I paesaggi minerari del Trentino. Storia e trasformazioni
A book for Fondazione Museo storico del Trentino, that traces the main mining experiences in Trentino, focused on mining landscapes as a source of local history and as an object of human geography. We carved the cover in order to suggest an idea of progressive exploration beneath the surface and through material. The choice of […]
PORIGAMI – Castle Zdar
The owners of the Castle Zdar, an old aristocratic family, present a greeting card to the newlyweds who celebrate the ceremony in the castle chapel. The envelope is also a gift voucher for free accommodation in the Baroque tower of the castle. […]
Macstudio s.r.l. – Wavy Fries
The launch of a new potato chip – Wavy Fries – was one of the main activities of 2021 for LambWeston Italy, the national division of the American company. Lamb Weston is probably the largest producers of frozen chips in the world and is constantly engaged in researching and testing new products. For this special […]
VUTIUM Press – Marika Kupkova (ed.), HOUSER, Brno: VUTIUM Press 2020.
HOUSER is an art book documenting painting techniques apllied by the Czech painter Milan Houser. Apart form critical texts in Czech, English and French, most space is dedicated to photographic documentation of Houser‘s work. Graphic design is by Adam Machacek (20YY Designers); printed by Tiskarna Helbich a.s. and published by VUTIUM Press. Symbol Tatami White […]
Taylor Brothers ( Bristol ) Ltd – A Wounded Landscape
The 738 page book contains over 350 photographs, the 22 story texts, captions and maps. Standard, signed and special print editions available. 738 pages / 220 x 170mm 350 photographs Transcription text Maps Sewn binding Published by two & two press Design by Wayne Ford Copy editing by Eleanor O’Kane Foreword by James Bulgin […]
INDUSTRIA GRAFICA SI.Z S.R.L. – Łukasz Wierzbowski, Intruder, Analog Publishing
Lukasz Wierzbowski is a profuse artist who uses the camera as a mean to communicate with others and record his daily adventures. ‘Intruder’ is an exercise of reverse engineering in order to find authentic connections in his oeuvre. Something that was evident at first instance was his recurrent use of shapes and patterns to compose […]
pridgar – VIOLA BITTL / Take the A-Train
Festeinband fadengeheftet, Rücken mit Fälzel, Umschlagmaterial auf 2 mm MGP Deckelpappen kaschiert, Deckelpappen vollflächig vorn und hinten in Handarbeit aufgeklebt (Überstand 1-2 mm), gerader Rücken, 80 farbige Abbildungen, 128 Seiten Inhalt […]
Makerie Studio – Coming Home
Coming Home is a client send-out, a well wish for the coming year and an acknowledgement of the special relationships we have we our clients. It is a folder comprised of 15 printed images and paper cuts, which can be framed or enjoyed like a book. The content is a visual journey inwards, a vibrant […]
Robert Alejandro Art and Design – Backpack Southeast Asia and some parts of China
This handy book of illustrations and memoirs is a time capsule of how it was like backpacking around Southeast Asia at the year 2007. The book features 200+ black and white illustrations made during the trip and captures the excitement and adventure during the trip. […]