Blasè Comunicazione – TiPiCilentani

Tipicilentani è il marchio con il quale i fratelli Rosa e Marco Orlando hanno deciso di condividere la loro passione per il gusto autentico dei migliori prodotti Tipici del Cilento. La Blasè Comunicazione ha realizzato Naming, Brand, Labels, Illustrazioni e Copy. Dietro Ogni Brand c’è una Storia. Chi sono i TipiCilentani? Sono dei ricercati a […]

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Innova srl – Sensazioni, idee e persone

Innova incentra la sua comunicazione sulla persona e non sul prodotto, per noi i rapporti umani sono più importanti delle cose. Attraverso la comunicazione le persone si devono sentire a proprio agio venendo accompagnate in un processo conoscitivo che però non ha una strada definita, non c’è una strada uguale per tutti. Il catalogo viene […]

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non standard – SANS (FR) 1628-1924

The book is made of 22 signatures of 16 pages. Progressively, going through time, the paper gets thiner and thiner (from 170 g to 70g, from 1628 to 1924). The first 336 pages are a pure visual essay, the last 16 pages are made of a written essay (FR/GB) intertwinned with image credits. The signatures […]

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Zuzana Lednická – St. Francis of Assisi: The Canticle of the Sun

The celebration of the elements and life by St. Francis (translated to Czech by Petr Borkovec) is visually dominated by a color gradient based on the color spectrum visible to human eye. It begins with a birth in the dark and ends with light and reconciliation. The book exists in two forms: a lithographic version […]

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Formidable Books – Freedom Tastes of Reality

Freedom Tastes of Reality is a celebration of our bodies in the era of the disembodiment of all human relations. Life doesn’t just happen around our bodies anymore. We’ve stopped living in the physical space where we find ourselves. Life is happening elsewhere, out on a screen, somewhere removed from our bodies. Thus, We no […]

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Gráficas Varias, S.A.U. – Lay’s gourmet nougat

Giving a label form that embodies the brilliant creative of Albert Adrià, the artisan tradition of Torrons Vicens, as well as a snack such as Lay’s Gourmet chips, is like being in front of a Rauschenger or Tapies, where disparity ends up combining into something different and superior. The decision made was to choose the […]

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FASHIOIN ZOO BOOK is a community for designers, artists and fashion practitioners to exchange inspiration and stories, also a fashion matrix platform presenting diversified thinking collision.It is a collection of interesting, creative and valuable fashionable works of art. This is the independent fashion book that FASHION ZOO brings to fashion groups. […]

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Florian W. Mueller – Photography – SINGULARITY – Perpetual Calendar

Perpetual Calendar with 12 Motives from my internationally awarded SINGULARITY series. 100% handmade. The motif sheets are printed in the binding of bookscrews. The individual sheets can be changed or removed at will. The handmade calendar is convincing – besides its motives – also through its sustainability. The pictures can not only be exchanged at […]

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WINE STYLIST di Cristina Ciamporcero – BIANCONE

“Biancone” o BiancOne, rappresenta il primo vino bianco della cantina Piantagrossa. Il gioco di lettering crea un play che si accende di notte grazie ad una vernice fluorescente, come ad invitare il cliente anche a sentire questo vino oltre ad assaporarlo.. sì perchè le 396 lamelle si trasformano con una vernice serigrafica nelle tracce di […]

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