Competing Projects 2025

Bottega D'arteOmniadvert

Bottega d’arte is a product idea of Iris Ceramica, of the Iris Ceramic Group. In 2022, we began the rebranding of Iris Ceramica, and when the company asked us to recover this old brand of the Group, we created a variant of the main identity with very specific color characteristics and the use of two Fedrigoni papers, Materica Terra Rossa and Sirio Color Dark Blue, which characterized the entire brand identity. The two papers were paired on several occasions, such as at the Bottega d’Arte presentation event. We designed two boxes for the occasion, the first was mailed to the various guests, and contained glass containers with the raw materials the company uses to make its products inside. The second was given in person to the guests at the project presentation dinner and contained a cameo reproducing Bottega d’Arte’s logo. Closing the circle.

Fedrigoni Special Papers - Materica Terra Rossa 180 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Sirio color Dark Blue 700 g/m2
Iris Ceramica - Bottega d'Arte
LCF La Cartotecnica Fossaluzza