Quando eleganza e voglia di sperimentare nuove connessioni comunicative si materializzano in un lavoro perfetto e sorprendente per l’azienda Confezioni Graziani, specializzata nelle singole parti del capospalla e nella fabbricazione di prodotti di alta qualità. 700 gr di carta pregiata Fedrigoni ad elevato grado di bianco conferiscono al design di questo biglietto da visita estrema […]
Archivi: Progetti
Fakulta umění a designu Univerzity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem – Hidden Nature / Skrytá příroda
The bachelor thesis Hidden Nature presents visual poetry responds to the Japanese tea culture, which worships nature, the moment of encounter between individuals and their return to human values during the tea timelessness, when the mind and the spirit calm down and regain the ability to enjoy the present moment. The idea of poetic book […]
Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague – Jaroslav Benda 1882–1970 Typographic designs and letterforms
If we Czechs want to show off our type design history, we might reach first for Vojtěch Preissig, who was the first to localize imported typefaces for Czechoslovakia, or perhaps for Ladislav Sutnar, who established the rules of new elementary typography and functionalist graphic design, or we would literally swear by Oldřich Menhart, whose original […]
Akademie für Illustration und Design Berlin – Schweinehund
Students of the 5th semester dedicated themselves to produce their own illustrative magazine. They had to deal with the organization around the publication, as well as with the editing and finally the illustrative design. The theme for the magazine was “Unlust” and the title the students came up with was “Schweinehund.” The term ‚Schweinehund’ describes […]
IED – Istituto Europeo di Design – The Philosophic Illustrator – N1 – Anxiety
The first issue of a (hypothetical) visual philosophy publication. The Philosophic Illustrator aims to make philosophy more accessible, intuitive and applicable. It is an experiment in design – dabbling with various styles, collecting ideas, art and typefaces. I hope it to be an inspiration to read, ponder, design and create. Visual Philosophy for your pocket. […]
ALUO – Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje – Pravljica o jari kači / The tale of jara kača (juvenile snake)
Result of a BA Thesis of Visual communication study is a book in A5 format titled Pravljica o jari kači / The tale of jara kača (juvenile snake). Author of tale is slovenian writer Ivo Svetina, but origins of the tale are planted in slovenian storytelling tradition. Student Julija Brudar had carefuly analized the topic […]
Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design – F as in Failing Queerly
„F as in Failing Queerly“ are 100 notebooks – printed with 100% self produced plant based inks, manually folded and bound. When the upper edge of the pages is being torn open, the prints are revealed. All printed contents refer to the book “The Queer Art of Failure” by queer theorist Jack Halberstam. The project […]
Politecnico di Milano – Meemo – Make it clear
“Meemo – make it clear” is a party board game ideated and developed as a group project thesis for BSc Degree in Communication Design at Politecnico di Milano. Investigating the topic of design for the welfare in the field of interpersonal relationships among teenagers, Meemo has the ultimate goal of making players learn a wide […]
HSLU – Hochschule Luzern – Clouds – Werkschau 2022
Concept poster “Clouds” Julia Gross The poster was designed for the “Werkschau” of the HSLU Design & Kunst, which exhibits the final creations of the graduating students. After having presented their last and ultimate piece of work, the students start a new path in life. Conceptually, the poster is meant to touch the viewer’s emotions. […]
HSLU – Hochschule Luzern – Werkschau 2022
Poster proposal for HSLU Werkschau Design & Kunst Sebastian Gill 2022 The overall aim was to create a visual that represents HSLU as an institution, that emphasizes the idea of Art Schools being hubs for innovation, and that serves as an umbrella for all of the thirteen Degree Programs. All elaborated in the Thesis PDF. […]