Archivio vincitori 2022

F as in Failing QueerlyKarlsruhe University of Arts and Design

„F as in Failing Queerly“ are 100 notebooks – printed with 100% self produced plant based inks, manually folded and bound. When the upper edge of the pages is being torn open, the prints are revealed. All printed contents refer to the book “The Queer Art of Failure” by queer theorist Jack Halberstam.

The project investigates failing as a design method, where normative and standardized expectations are not being fulfilled. The idea translates into slow and less efficient printing methods and non-industrial printing inks, that were produced 100% from plants like blue cabbage, algae, carrots or beetroot. The notebooks were printed on leftover paper from the printing industry, that could not be used anymore.

The project is part of the “Glossary of Undisciplined Design”, a collectively designed publication, that addresses undisciplinarity as a feminist strategy to break down dogmatic rules, discriminatory structures and biased role models.

Severin Geißler
Rebecca Stephany