Competing Projects 2025

DualizmUniversità IUAV di Venezia

The masterplan project of the city of Istanbul addresses the concept of dualism through a critical perspective on urban development. Istanbul is an essential crossroads: from the shores of the Golden Horn, Europe looks towards the Near East, and conversely, the Asian side of Turkey faces the West in a dualistic relationship. The manifesto depicts a play of formal overlays, thus bringing to the forefront the dualistic nature of Istanbul. We have allowed for the meeting of what unites and separates them, in terms of chronological succession. Simple forms tell the story and encapsulate the pieces of the city where development and the crowd that crosses it daily are evident. Try to imagine if the same forms discussed here were to come to life with the same speed at which urban evolution unfolds today. On one hand, to remain, to tell and recount; on the other, to pursue a path with the goal of arriving.

Niccolò Brandolini
Carlo Federico