Competing Projects 2025

A Thousand WordsSud Sud

A Thousand Worlds is a photography magazine in a big and uncomfortable format which aims to create a common space for sharing and contemplating printed photography. It is a photography and photography only magazine, with no words to distract. It intends to be both global and regional, without borders, decentralised, where authors from different contexts can express and present their work. In this second volume we worked with B&W photography, but we wanted to achieve a more poetic meaning for the visual narrative. Without words, the challenge was to create a visual flow between the work of the different authors. To balance the hard contrast of a B&W photograph, we choose to invert the image and print the light (the white) on a Fedrigoni Sirio Ultra Black paper. Adding to the poetry of this kind of print, the technical solution gives it a smooth balance between the different work styles of each author, and the page size provides a wide display for each photograph to be full contemplated.

Fedrigoni Special Papers - Sirio Ultra Black - Dry Toner Black 185 g/m2
Sud Sud
João Flecha and Filipa Oliveira
Gráfica Maiadouro