Competing Projects 2025

Coordinato menu Volta del FuentiSeri...A Pubblicità Soc. Coop.

The perfect combination of raw material and memories, based on authenticity and study.
An absolute concept concerning nature and flavors, inspired by the sea, the sand, but also the “mother” land that surrounds the Fuenti Gardens.
This is where the concept of “territory cuisine” was born. A circular and sustainable cuisine, which modulates the offer according to seasonality, which gives space for experimentation.
Michele De Blasio’s cuisine leaves its mark because it differs, it is admirable in form, in flavors, in suggestions. It is breaking classic stereotypes, it is pushing towards the search for the new. The choice of MATERICA paper, extremely versatile and unique, thanks to cotton and pure cellulose fibers, is closely related to this concept.
A result that is impactful but can also be delicate, releasing the energy of the past and at the same time the strength of the future.

Creative Communication
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Materica Clay 250 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Materica Limestone 180 g/m2 e 250 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Materica Cobalt 250 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Materica Rust 120 g/m2 e 250 g/m2
Volta del Fuenti
Vincenzo Fioretti
Seri...A Pubblicità Soc. Coop.