Competing Projects 2025

TerraPunto Etichette

The ‘Terra’ project was born with the aim of interpreting and representing the deepest essence of a wine from the Valdarno hills aged in terracotta amphorae. It is precisely the Earth the element we strongly wished to represent, not only in its nuances, but also as a material substance, pulverising the same terracotta in the mixture of the colour with which the symbol in the centre of the label was printed.
The symbolism and design of the elements present have deep roots in history; the coat-of-arms depicting the mermaid, present on the label, is the same as that found in the pulpit of the Romanesque basilica of Gropina.
The Re-play and Bereber sand papers seemed to us perfect to give a material idea that would enhance the label.
The wooden bottle container also bears the coat of arms in bas-relief made from raw clay taken from the vineyard.
This project is the result of collaboration between the design studio Settore8 and Punto Etichette.

Re-Play Nature White WS FSC™
Bereber Sand Ultra WS FSC™