Competing Projects 2025

CALENDARIO interattivo "Mens sana in corpore sano"PIKA snc

The “interactive” calendar Mens sana in corpore sano is a special calendar, almost a game, developed over 9 pages. The idea is to create an annual journey where every Monday the user discovers, thanks to the scratch-off technique, a challenge, that is, a task for their well-being, both for the mind and the body, to be completed during the week. The calendar has 52 slots, which are the silver Mondays that need to be scratched off. Living in Trieste, a multicultural city on the Italian-Slovenian border, we developed a bilingual calendar in Italian and Slovenian. The squared design recalls the repetitive routine of the days, while Monday represents a break from the norm. The cover is die-cut, followed by a page with instructions, and then 6 pages with two months each. It was laid out in Indesign, printed in offset, then screen-printed (varnish and silver to scratch off), and bound with a metal spiral.

Creative Communication
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Symbol freelife satin Premium White 250 g/m2
PiKa design
PiKA snc
Grafica Goriziana