Competing Projects 2025

Stato in luogo - Dinamica di un'emorragia demograficaNABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti

When one thinks of the “death” of a town, natural disasters or wars come to mind. History is full of examples of villages destroyed by enemies or natural disasters. However, a city can also die quietly and less spectacularly, through a slow internal “haemorrhage”. This happens when the bond between the people who inhabit the town and the activities that animate it weakens. If one of these elements weakens, the other follows. This project examines this attrition caused by the “Airbnbfication” of Rome’s historic centre. It consists of two books, joined with a Swiss binding, which must be read together for a complete understanding. The first book informs and stimulates reflection, quoting modern and postmodern authors; the second is a photographic research that exploits digital archives, restoring images for printing. The project includes a photo map and a website that allows one to digitally explore the photos of the districts.

Elena Carboni
Silvana Amato