Winners Archive 2022
Fransktein Grand CruMorgane Kirmann
This label of the Alsatian Grand Cru Frankstein is print with a risograph printer.
Risograph printing is a spot colour print method based on layers. The ink is pushed through a stencil, a master perforated with tiny halftone dots, that is wrapped around a spining drum printing at high speed onto the paper that is fed flat through the printer.
Riso inks are made with vegetal oils (Soya, rice bran). Inks mix during printing to create middle colors, you can also have fluo colors.
With this label I use an original way of printing by using the risograph printing. As this is an organic wine, the project is also eco-friendly because of the vegetal oils and the Tintoretto Gesso paper (acid free, elemental chlorine free, FSC).
The visual represents, in an abstract way, the Alsatian terroir of this Grand Cru : a rich, mineral and granite soil.