Competing Projects 2025

Bára Prášilová CirclesMilan Nedvěd

Photographer Bára Prášilová’s first book includes the artist’s photographs created during the last 15 years.
The book’s editor, Thomas Beachdel, characterizes her work as “images of wonder” teetering on the edge of beauty and strangeness, reality and fantasy, tenderness and violence, which are all rooted in the artist’s sense of the absurd.
This visual artist’s imaginative photographs are created as carefully planned productions which are based on sketches and include props that she designs and often makes herself.
They express her desire to bring the world of dreams and illusions into tangible reality.
In her work, for which she has won numerous international awards, we can find a number of motifs that are obsessively repeated not only in her photographs, but also in her videos and objects.

Czech Republic
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Sirio color Gialloro 115 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Symbol Tatami - HP Indigo White 170 g/m2
Bára Prášilová
Milan Nedvěd
Tiskárna Helbich