Competing Projects 2025

Modern Lovers - Karina Bisch et Nicolas ChardonMAC VAL

Halfway between a catalogue and an artist’s book, “Modern Lovers” has been conceived as a stand-alone exhibition. An object that does not simply offer access to the museum galleries, but rather attempts to free itself from them to become a new work in its own right.
From one coloured notebook to the next, each chapter of the interior block suggests a distinct geography and temporality within the exhibition gallery. The pages of the book gradually reveal a sequence in which a series of performances are carried out during the museum’s closed hours for the sole purpose of documenting them. This archive bears witness to several moments in the lives of various protagonists, who are invited to temporarily inhabit the artist couple’s pavilion.
By producing a body of never-before-seen images that can only be consulted in the book, the catalogue is in turn envisaged as a veritable theatre in which domestic, museum and studio spaces merge ceaselessly.

Fedrigoni Special Papers - Materica Clay 180 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Sirio color Limone 80 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Sirio color Celeste 80 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Sirio color Turchese 80 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Sirio color Flamingo 80 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock Rosa 80 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock Rosso 80 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock Verde 80 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock Arancio 80 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock Giallo 80 g/m2
Eliot Nasrallah
OTT Imprimeurs