Winners Archive 2022

Ding Yi:The Cross StyleLynn Lai Studio

Designed as a three-dimensional chronology, the book represents Ding Yi’s practice which is based on the element “cross” since the 1980s.
Entailing a huge amount of information with a symmetrical layout of Chinese and English, the book is divided into eleven chapters presenting eight phases of the artist’s practice. Therefore, it is designed with multiple retrieval systems: table of contents, chapter progress, divider pages, memorabilia and year at the fore-edge and so on. Ding’s self-narrative and Lu’s review are presented on the cover by applying silk print and hot stamping, which perfectly simulates the idea of “diagonal” in Ding’s practice and indicates two different perspectives for academic positioning. All eight phases of the artist’s practice start with his self-narrative, followed with representative works, exhibitions, activities, interaction with the art world and significant moments in his life. It is introduced in a timeline of Chinese art.

Materica Clay 250
Stucco old mill Premium White 150