Competing Projects 2025

The Art Paper CollectionLette Verein Berlin

“The Art Paper Collection” is an innovative showbook developed as part of a fictional final project to showcase the diversity and quality of Fedrigoni papers. This campaign aims to engage and inspire graphic designers, artists, and publishers in the art and culture sector to realize their visions using Fedrigoni papers. The showbook features a unique three-part page design that allows for the creation of utopian artworks and inspiring paper combinations. Carefully selected portraits from various art styles, from expressionist woodcuts to contemporary paintings, are printed on 12 different Fedrigoni papers. Each combination is meticulously chosen to harmonize motifs, textures, and tactile qualities, highlighting the unique properties of each paper. “The Art Paper Collection” offers a visually and tactilely impressive experience, emphasizing the outstanding qualities and versatile applications of Fedrigoni papers, and serves as a valuable source of inspiration for the target audience.

Lilli Meseth
Christian Gralingen