Competing Projects 2025

L'Arte delle ApiLa Mielifattura

The Art of Bees takes the reader from flower to flower to discover the indissoluble link between the world of bees and biodiversity. An alternation of photographs and drawings accompanied by short but incisive texts sheds light on the world of bees and the importance of each individual flower for humans and the entire ecosystem.
The illustrations were produced in collaboration with L’Incontrario, a Social Promotion Association aimed at work integration and inclusion for young people with disabilities. The book, a non-profit project, has received the support of Fedrigoni and the patronage of Greenpeace, to whom all copyrights are donated together with L’Incontrario. Esmeralda de Rethy, a well-known Belgian environmentalist, edited the introduction. The book was presented on several occasions including the Turin Book Fair 2022 and the Green&Blue festival, and won the special mention of the 2023 jury at the Chiari Micro-publishing Fair.

Fedrigoni Special Papers - Freelife cento Extra white 120 g/m2
La Mielifattura
Renata Manganelli
Edizioni Astragalo