Competing Projects 2025

Ciceklik - Peeling through a wall of timeKunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee

The book explores the old tobacco warehouses built before the last century in Xanthi, a city in northern Greece. Erected in the late 1800s to accommodate the booming high-quality tobacco production, these structures have since been shaped by a series of significant cultural, civil, and political events. Over the years, these influences have transformed both the use and form of the warehouses, reflecting the dynamic history of the area.

Stories from different buildings are gathered and arranged in a historical sequence as if they all occurred within a single structure. Through written and oral testimonies, the collection provides a wealth of information about the building and life in the city during various periods. Peeling back the layers of paint on the walls reveals the hidden tales of the past.

Stavros Gialamidis
Matthias Hübner