Competing Projects 2025

Mariscando en días de borraxeiraJuan Barte

This is a unique documentary photography series. It captures moments from the daily lives of the shellfish gatherers in Muros, Spain, through a narrator as special as light itself. The photos were taken over two foggy days at sea, or as they call it in Galician, “días de borraxeira.”
Romero’s work escapes from the type of documentary photography we are used to, with a personal vision and way of looking at the world, emphasizing the harsh conditions and dedication involved in a task historically linked to women. Shellfish gathering is one of the sources of wealth in the Muros Noia estuary, Spain. Initially, it was a job done by women to supplement their income and gain independence, but now it includes some men as well. These are four-hour daily sessions dictated by the tides. It has recently become a topic of concern, as due to water warming and fresh water influx from nearby dams, shellfish are not growing and many have died, threatening to bring this traditional practice to an end.

Fedrigoni Special Papers - Symbol tatami Ivory 135 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Materica Acqua 120 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Arena rough White 90 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Materica Clay 120 g/m2
Xunta de Galicia
JUan Barte
Alva Servicios Gráficos