Competing Projects 2025

Testo e ContestoUniversità IUAV di Venezia

The collection of strategic design theses “Text and Context” is an investigation into the theme of territoriality through the following five projects. In particular, Giulia Di Bella’s project is a spin-off in the ceramic field in Sicily. The spin-off project in the ceramic sector in Sicily, developed in this paper, aims to enhance the Sicilian territory and the ceramic material produced there. Caltagirone is the geographical epicenter from which the investigation begins, gradually expanding to the most important production districts of Sicily, from Sciacca to Santo Stefano di Camastra, examining the role played by the populations that conquered the island in the formation of the first manufacturing centers. The focus of the project is the Sicilian territory, rich in quarries for extracting raw materials, and the four natural elements that contribute to the creation of the finished product.

Giulia Di Bella
Vincenzo Castellana