Competing Projects 2025

Coleção Todos os Livro de Machado de AssisIpsis Gráfica e Editora S/A

Work in a rigid case, with screen printing and insertion of the title by the author Machado de Assis. 26 brochures ranging from 88 to 546 pages. Covers on Sírio Color 290 grams paper. Ipsis Gráfica – Brazil. A reference printing company in the printing and finishing of art, literature, and market books, with 90% market share in Brazil. Specialized in photography, architecture, and fine arts books, it serves museums, publishers, and artists around the world. With over 75 years of experience, Ipsis constantly invests in cutting-edge technology, such as the patented printing processes FullBlack®, 4Gray®, and +Color®. These advancements provide contrasts and definitions superior to the original. Ipsis offers exclusive service, excellence in quality and punctuality, ensuring creative freedom for clients for challenging projects. Printing with Ipsis is synonymous with service, quality, and punctuality.

Fedrigoni Special Papers - Sirio color Various 290 g/m2
Cliente: Todavia Editora S/A
Todavia Editora S/A
Impressão offset