Competing Projects 2025

Chaleur HumaineIn the shade of a tree

The Art & Industry Triennial catalogue “Chaleur Humaine” gives a voice to practitioners who have, since the 1970s, worked on making visible the energy and ecological issues and challenges facing society today and tomorrow. Published in both a French and an English edition at the beginning of the triennial (therefore without exhibition views), this catalogue is not intended to document the exhibition itself, but rather to provide an opportunity to read and see the concepts that have nourished the research and imagination of the exhibition’s artists. The printed catalogue offers a reflection on the use of resources through both its structure and making. Considerations about production tools, cost logic and materials (format optimization, paper origin, glue-free binding, untrimmed edges) have guided all design choices to create a manifest object that embodies the Triennial’s ambitions.

Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock Arancio 80 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock Betulla 110 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock Bianco 80 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock Bianco 140 g/m2
FRAC Grand Large — Hauts-de-France
In the shade of a tree
Grafiche Aurora