Competing Projects 2025

Die Kirche im DorfHochschule für Künste Bremen

In Germany more and more people are leaving the christian church. In 2022, for the first time, the majority of the population no longer belongs to the church. The institution increasingly loses its social relevance. But what happens to the numerous church buildings that are left behind? Most of them will no longer be needed nor used as sacred spaces. Either they are subsequently rededicated, sold and repurposed. Moreover they remain in an empty state or getting demolished. Buildings nonetheless that are still visible in the cityscape, hardly changed externally, but in many places already filled with new life.

Over a period of four months, 16 diverse examples in northern Germany were visited. Each location tells a story of adaptation, bridging the gap between past and present. The book displays all photographs consequently in the same size to allow viewers to immerse themselves in the spaces while browsing pages.
Masterthesis in Studio Culture & Identity, HfK Bremen, 2022/2023

Mirja Kuberka
Andrea Rauschenbusch