Competing Projects 2025

There are possibilities hereHana Lehmannova

“We are changing the perception of employment of people with disabilities.”
Why? Because everyone should have the opportunity to work regardless of their health status, but not everyone has it. We fill a “hole” in society and in the market without thinking too much about how difficult it is or will be.
This is our story…

A brochure reviewing almost 20 years of the existence of a non-profit company engaged in the employment of people with physical or mental disabilities.

Creative Communication
Czech Republic
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Freelife kendo White 120 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Materica Acqua 180 g/m2
Moznosti tu jsou o.p.s.
design Hana Lehmannova / photography Dorota Frankova
Dragon Press s.r.o.