Competing Projects 2025

Greeting card 2024Ham and juice

A sunny yellow hand holds out 4 business cards customized as playing cards using stickers, On the back, a sentence calls out and invites you to draw a card “2024 under the sign of meetings. Let chance choose with whom among us you will exchange over a coffee.” For 2024, the studio had an urgent need to rediscover all the magic of the paper greeting card and the desire to reconnect with very physical meetings. Greeting card + business cards: the winning combo to meet up and start the year together hand in hand. The studio specializing in design/artistic direction and publishing likes to create objects that have meaning and that combine print (cotton-touch greeting card and paper business card) with digital (QR Code referring to a digital calendar, stickers and holographic pouches). The Materica Terra Gialla paper was chosen for its intense color, its cotton touch and its frank hold. The business cards were printed on Sirio Color Rough Perla chosen for its elegance and timelessness.

Creative Communication
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Materica Terra Gialla 360 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Sirio color rough Perla 350 g/m2
Ham And Juice
Juliette Megemont, Amandine Garracio
Imprimerie Noël, Imprim Ad'hoc