Winners Archive 2017

Franziska Estudio / Zabala Innovation Consulting / Imprenta Zubillaga / Second Place / Innovation Dictionary

The management consultancy Zabala Innovation Consulting created this delightful booklet for its thirtieth anniversary to highlight the studio’s skills and values driving their partnerships with companies. A wrong-way round dictionary starting from the letter Z for Zabala to A where the letters become the starting point for a keyword underlying its strategy and vision. Innovation, purpose and name of the Consultancy firm, comes to life in this project where graphics, citations and the choice of materials confirm its practice: the cover with its soft colour and embossed letters, as well as the weight of the paper inside that creates a play of transparencies with graphics layout of subsequent pages to achieve unusual perspective effects

Creative Communication
Sirio Sabbia 290 g/m2 Old Mill Bianco 100 g/m2