Competing Projects 2025

Ramasser – RastrellareEcole nationale supérieure des arts visuels de La Cambre

The objective of this project is to create a book featuring a physical object of my choice, an objet trouvé. My attention was thus drawn to a tool that I find extremely aesthetic and elegant but at the same time rich in history: the rake.

In this book, I have decided to present the object in question with a photographic archive depicting this tool handled by farmers, workers, and artisans. Alongside the photos, I have also included wonderful paintings that show the importance given to this object throughout history. Sometimes it even takes center stage in many paintings by famous artists such as Van Gogh, Berthe Morisot, and Julien Dupré. The cataloging is divided into five chapters, and at the end of the first four, there is an interview with a farmer from my hometown, Caprauna (CN). All texts are translated into both Italian and French.

Greta Rolando
Aurore Lechien