Competing Projects 2025

Sonic Birds Harmen Liemburg

Diving into RGB colour mixing, using magic Merck irisdescent pigments.
On black paper these pigments create results that are similar to additive colourmixing through light emitted from a screen. Here, through bending reflecting light, Cyan, Yellow and Magenta are created through two overlapping inks. And a near white with three layers overlapping.

Through waterbased screenprinting, by moving the separate layers along a horizontal axis while printing, new dynamic compositions are formed.

Although the surface of the paper is a bit too rough for the inks, Sirio Ultra Black offers one of the deepest blacks in paper available today. In the right light and angle of view, the special metallic effect can be enjoyed as well.

Creative Communication
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Sirio ultra black Black 280 g/m2
Harmen Liemburg
Harmen Liemburg