Winners Archive 2022

Leiria CulturaCâmara Municipal de Leiria

Stage and backstage. This is the underlying concept to the development of the Leiria Culture’s agenda.
Stage, because we are facing an agenda of utilitarian nature, which, besides the disclosure of the cultural programme, it allows the use in the daily basis, challenging each one of us to be protagonist of life in each day that passes.
Stage also for the graphical bet in a cover and back cover with a thickened glossy varnish finish.
Backstage, because it invites an individual and intimate use; and because the experience and apprehension of culture is equally personal and non-transmissible.
Backstage, because instead of the traditional spine, it is presented “stripped” with visible stitching, taking us back to the “workshop” of the graphic production of the diary as an object.

Creative Communication
Freelife oikos Extra White 300
Freelife oikos Extra White 125