Competing Projects 2025

Ganze Welten - Celebration book for the preschoolers of BuchKinderGarten 2023Buchkinder Leipzig

Each year we publish this book as an anthology of stories and works from the children that are soon about to leave the BuchKinderGarten – a unique place where children from the age of 1,5 years have regular access to a printing and bookmaking workshop of their very own. We curate the content of the book with them: All their works are collected in a box in the workshop out of which we seek their individual contribution together. Sometimes even entirely new images or stories are created for this book, lots of which are original relief prints. One single contribution is selected to be the inspiration for the cover design hence shaping the outer appearance of the book which we print in silk screen on book cloth.
The time they spent in the BuchKinderGarten and all the discoveries they made and experiences they had, all their creative force we attempt to fuse into this book. On their very last day, we celebrate the power of the stories with a reading and of course – a big summer party.

Fedrigoni Special Papers - Arena rough
Linda Schwalbe / Janina Werner
Buchkinder Leipzig e.V.