Competing Projects 2025
24h BookBurg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
What exactly is ecstasy in the art of book design? The connection between materiality and corporeality, the object and the procedural manner, playfulness and the practical approach, however, reveals the opportunity to familiarize yourself with bookbinding as a practice with the help of the frequently used form of the 24-hour-performance. This was a public performance, which meant that the audience could closely watch the book block come together as the artist fell apart. Whenever an object is created over the span of hours, are you aware of the passing time and the condition of the manufacturer as you look at said object? In this case, a book is especially fitting, since the paper being stitched together automatically creates a fixed chronology. On every layer there are indications of the completion time in form of a time stamp. On every full hour, visitors could check whether the performance continued by signing the book. Impulsively created notes are also written on the pages.
Created on Arena Natural Rough, 100 g/m2 by Fedrigoni.
Translated from German into English by Vera Dorbath.