Competing Projects 2025

Port Magazine – Clone Issue Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

PORT is an annual magazine published by students of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar since 2003, providing a platform for projects and texts of all faculties. The latest issue by Annika Knapp, Leonard Behre, Fenja Graf and Lisa Schulz-Coppi focuses on the notion of originality. Embedded in a technologically advancing world, we are inundated with information and inspiration. What is new? What is the original? The Clone Issue is discussing how creative processes are interlinked and referencing each other. It sets a narrative where past, present and future worlds are flowing together, where claims of authorship are starting to step back in favor to create a common “new” imagination. With an overload of data bombarding us daily and leading to the replication of people and works, the hunger for novelty still persists. The Clone Issue explores tools of Artificial Intelligence for editorial and design processes and is interrogating the boundaries of a traditional publication.

Lisa Schulz-Coppi
Marcel Saidov