Competing Projects 2025

Poser les fondations de la diversification \ Rapport d'activité 2021Aposto

Creation of a support document for the 2021 activity report intended for the partners of the Board of Directors, external and internal stakeholders of the company LPA, based in Lyon, France. LPA, a historical operator of parking in the Lyon metropolitan area, is transforming to become a service company dedicated to urban passengers. In a changing world, the company is committed to diversifying mobility. This is why I envisioned round shapes that evolve, move, and change colors, all in the spirit of the company’s existing charter. The choice of papers was important to me, not only with a cover in Materica Kraft paper and a beautiful Splendorlux paper to highlight the company’s new photographic report. The key figures were printed on Sirio Color Limone (the company’s emblematic color).

Creative Communication
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Materica Kraft 250 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Splendorgloss L/W Premium White 100 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Sirio color Limone 115 g/m2
LPA Lyon
Nadia Campagnola