Competing Projects 2025

After All is Said and Done: Taping the Grateful Dead, 1965-1995Anthology Editions

If any one musical act of the rock and roll era can be said to have transcended the simple categorization of “band,” the Grateful Dead is it: by the time they stopped performing in 1995, the Dead had become an international institution with a vast backing organization, a massive and devoted fanbase, and archival recordings both official and bootlegged. Featuring dozens of interviews with tape enthusiasts and members of the Grateful Dead organization as well as the show stopping visuals from hundreds of archival cassette covers, “After All Is Said and Done” is artist Mark A. Rodriguez’s exploration of that history, a saga of homegrown psychedelia, anarchic graphic styles, and black market fandom as written in magnetic tape.

United States
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Imitlin e/r05 tela Neve 125 g/m2
Anthology Editions
Bryan Cipolla
Artron - I/O Color