L’Artistica Editrice – Le miniature di un Libro d’Ore

Il progetto editoriale è consistito nella riproduzione facsimile della tavole miniate del Livre de laudes et dèvotions, un codice miniato realizzato nel 1400 e conservato presto l’Archivio di Stato di Torino. L’opera è corredata da un volume di commentario con saggi di studio. La peculiarità del progetto è stata riprodurre, con tecnica di stampa off-set, […]

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Compagnia dei Santi Bevitori – Divine Lettere – Inferno

Un volume che riproduce l’Inferno di Dante in un esperimento del tutto originale, nato dalla collaborazione di un tipografo con un disegnatore. L’intera cantica viene inscritta nelle sette lettere capitali che compongono la parola “Inferno”. Le stesse lettere – al cui interno si possono leggere i trentaquattro canti, forzati in un flusso continuo dal primo […]

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La Cama Sol – El Otro Rostro

We often hide. So we hardly ever leave our “face” exposed. We hide our body under the light, to reveal only what is necessary. This edition aims to “undress” and show both inside and out, to appreciate the work of Plensa together with the poems of Bobin. To represent all this artistic and stylistic singularity […]

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Printstar GmbH // heynink – Beauty For Beauty

Aesthetic business stationery for a beauty treatment practice – for this, a reduced, simple design was printed on Arena Rough. For the business cards, the paper was laminated together in two layers for even more grip and a particularly tactile experience. […]

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Studio Dezzig – Ailes Marines

Booklet on the protection of marine mammals in the Bay of Saint-Brieuc. This guide was designed by the Dezzig studio (www.dezzig.com) for the company Ailes Marines and printed by Media Graphic in Rennes (France). This guide is intended to better understand the mammals that frequent the Normandy-Breton Gulf and to provide recommendations for observing them […]

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SOMEKIND studio – B is

‘B is’ is a story through projects of B-architecten, B-bis and B-city. This abc of B guides you through (almost) 25 years of what started out as B-architecten, and since became a threefold architecture and urban design studio with multiple specialisms. First, the book was made to show the rich portfolio of B, but it […]

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Studio M Nedvěd – Jan Kubíček Drawings and Collages

The first book comprehensively mapping the drawing works of Jan Kubíček that have not yet been presented to the public. Jan Kubíček (1927–2013) was one of several leading Czech artists of constructivism and abstract geometry, whose significance extended beyond the borders. Although he is known primarily as a painter, drawings have a full-fledged part in […]

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Studio M Nedvěd – Gustav Aulehla Sudeten Chronicle (Sudetská Kronika)

This photography book (Sudeten Chronicle) presents an extensive selection of the lifelong work of Gustav Aulehla (*1931). This construction designer from Krnov (Czech Republic) developed the principles of humanistic photojournalism of Henri Cartier-Bresson in a small town. From the mid-fifties to the early nineties, he captured with his Leica many unique pictures of everyday life […]

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Hélène Marian – Eastern Voices

Initiated by Lucie Pinier & Mathieu Levet during the Homografia festival, Eastern Voices collects the words of artists and activists from Eastern Europe and Russia. Coming from countries where the mere fact of being LGBT, woman or artist can put you at risk of being imprisoned or targeted, their practice cannot be separated from their […]

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Studio M Nedvěd – Pavel Vavroušek Nová Sedlica

In 1971–1981 Pavel Vavroušek regularly photographed Nová Sedlica, the easternmost village of what was then Czechoslovakia. His photographs capture one of the very last islands of rural cohesion, a place where people lived their traditional lifestyles, differing little from the lives of their ancestors, in the rhythm of the changing seasons and Orthodox holidays. He […]

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