THE WRITE STUFF :: Direct Mailing :: Filip Vandewiele – freelance copywriter —– A gentleman and his pen form an inseparable duo: a name card and a bookmark (and kind of lookalikes). The X-mas finale is a direct mailing on Fedrigoni paper. An end-of-year denouement with an important role for the key figure: ‘stuffed’ in […]
Archivi: Progetti
ENSAD/ANRT, Poem, les presses du réel – Gotico-Antiqua, proto-roman, hybrid. 15th-century types between gothic and roman
Conference papers & exhibition catalogue, edited & designed by Jérôme Knebusch. Co-publication ENSAD Nancy, ANRT, Poem, les presses du réel, 2021. The book brings together researchers from the fields of typography, palaeography and incunabula studies, with a particular focus on type and letterforms. The relatively understudied period – after Gutenberg and before the consolidation of […]
EssilorLuxottica / Persol – Persol Steve McQueen TM Special Packaging
Every two years, a new Persol 714 Steve McQueen collection is launch. For 2021, the collection was composed by 4 different acetate / lenses colours & one platinum lenses limited edition, based on SMQ’s cars and airplanes: black, green, blue and yellow. Since is one of the most iconic Persol products, the campaign always needs […]
miguelfreitasdesign_studio – Rapa Lobos
This is a new packaging and concept project for Quinta de Santa Eugénia, from Douro Valley, Portugal, Rapa Lobos wine. The starting point was the book “Be the person your dog thinks you are” by C.J. Frick. In our daily life, we deal everyday with the power of the image and the image that others […]
miguelfreitasdesign_studio – Lote 5 rosé
Lote 5 is a familiar vinery from Douro valley, Portugal. This rose is part of lote 5 wine’s range and the first-ever rose wine released. The charming and delicate color of this wine was the starting point for this project and that’s why we decided to cut wholes on the label. By opening some wholes […]
Humboldt Books – Concerning Dante – Autonomous Cell
Concerning Dante – Autonomous Cell is a meta-project on the relationship between literary text and landscape, and on the evocative power of the Divine Comedy that, over the centuries, has shaped the perception of places to the point of characterising them as ‘Dantean’. Jacopo Valentini investigated a series of places in Italy mentioned by the […]
SANTAFRANCA60 Snc – Stradivari NFT – Audiozone Studios srls by SANTAFRANCA60 Visual & Multimedial Graphics
“Stradivari NFT a legend becomes immortal” è il progetto realizzato per Audiozone Studios srls, che ha digitalizzato il suono di 4 violini Stradivari nell’Auditorium “Arvedi” Museo del Violino di Cremona, ideato per essere inviato a 10 agenzie Statunitensi tra cui Christie’s e Sothesby’s. Un progetto importante per un target da stupire con il packaging. Il […]
miguelfreitasdesign_studio – Vendaval
Vendaval is a new project from Douro Valley, Portugal and the all concept and project were developed based on the name Vendaval (gale). And we start developing illustrations that could pass the idea of everything flying, hot air balloons, octopus, circus tents…. […]
Print Label System srl – Geisha
Il progetto punta ad avere un’etichetta avvolgente e senza spazi vuoti, ma al tempo stesso piacevole alla vista e ancor più al tatto. Il tutto è stato reso possibile grazie all’uso della carta Premium White WS FSC con costruzione speciale barrier e all’uso di tecniche combinate miste (stampa offset, serigrafica, stampa a caldo e oro […]
miguelfreitasdesign_studio – Menino do Coro
This project, designed and matured over a year, has a set of particularities that define it. Images, old and original documents from owner’s grand father were carefully watched to pick samples of printed typography from early XX century in order to design brand’s name “Menino do Coro”. The central element of the label also seek […]