Druckerei Thieme Meißen GmbH – Magazin “female explorer”

Magazin “female explorer” 21 x 27 cm, 204 Seiten + Umschlag, Klebebindung, gedruckt im Offsetdruckverfahren 4/4 Euroskala auf 300g + 120g Naturpapier im Feinraster, FSC-zertifiziert und klimaneutral produziert für regionale Projekte. Auflage 3.000 Stk. Das Magazin war auch Gewinner in der Kategorie Nachhaltigkeit beim Card Couture Award 2021 […]

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Chun Shan – Chunshan Spring Together

Concept of Healing Series: the packaging design is based on the ring symbolizing odor molecules. The packaging of the same size can be spliced into a complete identification continuous pattern on the same plane by stacking. All packages can be stacked to make changeable arrangement and group. The different flavors of this series of products […]

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Kontakthof, creato nel 1978 è l’unico spettacolo che Pina Bausch ha curato in tre versioni: la prima con la propria storica compagnia, le successive con danzatori non professionisti over 65 e con teenager. Il libro comprende fotografie che interpretano il trittico così generato da Pina Bausch, una delle più originali e importanti coreografe del mondo. […]

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Monolithus di Pisana Giacomina – Sorella Ape

Calendario dedicato alle api, arricchito dalle illustrazioni di Rosa Cerruto, abbiamo stampato in digitale con una Oki ES 9431, poi i mesi sono stati composti a mano con il carattere Forma Nebiolo corpo 12 nero del 1980, stampato e fustellato su Heidelberg GT del 1957 avvalendoci della eccezzionale disponibilità del Maestro Tipografo Piero Bonomo, fondatore […]

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Armée de Verre Bookdesign – L.Arena

L.Arena is a Ghent World Project: a mobile arena with a nomadic carpet, a journey through the four seasons, leading to a festival in 2022 in Ghent (spring) and in Venice (autumn), with concerts in between with the polyphonic ensemble Dionysos Now! In Brugge (winter) and in Paris (summer). During the festival, curator Wim Wuyts […]

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西安三足鸟品牌策划有限公司 – 熊猫蜂蜜

这款蜂蜜来自物种丰富的秦岭山脉,野生大熊猫时常来“品尝”蜂农的蜂蜜。带着草帽的熊猫,其灵感来自野生大熊猫与当地养蜂的蜂农。用拟人化的包装来突出蜂蜜的特色,憨态可掬、萌态十足。 In the Qinling Mountains rich in species, honey produced by beekeepers is often “tasted” by wild pandas. The panda wearing a straw hat was inspired by wild pandas and local beekeepers. Features of honey are highlighted by the personified package, which is funny and cute. […]

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