Manhattan is a playful, modular typeface inspired by a brutalist residential complex in Wroclaw, ironically called ‘Manhattan’ by the locals. This project celebrates some of the best of Polish architecture and constitutes a love letter to my home city. The curved strokes and condensed style are inspired by the facade of the buildings. The typeface […]
Archivi: Progetti
The Glasgow School of Art – Fake Fans
Inspired by the concept of paper towns – a fictitious entry on a map used to help unmask copyright infringements – Fake Fans is a project exploring the tense football rivalry between two teams – Coulthard F.C. and Arundel Rovers – residing in the same fictional town of Wanhall. […]
The Glasgow School of Art – The Female Imprint: Celebrating the mark that 13 women left on design, 1930 – 1980
This project intends to highlight and celebrate female creatives working from 1930-1980 in Italy, spanning across multiple artistic disciplines. It aims to not only showcase their work but provide social context to the time when they were working. Featuring found photography from each era, including popular news headlines from the time and specific reactionary movements, […]
Hacolino Design – Renewal of the chocolate boxes for Frédéric Cassel
For a entire renewal of his chocolate boxes, chief Frédéric Cassel call us for our skills of making luxurious packaging. The image of angel’s light which is the symbol of his brand, inspired us to choose the paper. We chose a specific paper that is not easily obtainable in Japan for the exclusive aspect. Keeping […]
NABA – Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Roma – In the Land of Monsters with Perfect Driveways
Every day millions of women around the world are victims of domestic violence, and these are troubling numbers that cannot be ignored. Almost 40% of the women who are killed in the world are victims of their partners. The awareness of this data raising every day reflects the project intent to display domestic violence through […]
NABA – Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano – Destinazione 149 597 887 500
“Destinazione 149 597 887 500” is a catalogue of buildings contextualized in an imaginary future reflecting advanced technology and intelligence. Mysterious creatures, in a past that predates its discovery, witness to an unusual reality in which these creatures, before becoming extinct, would have managed to create a civilization for themselves in the most occult places […]
NABA – Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti Milano – Gamestrack
Gamestrack is an editorial project which was born from our thoughts about the relationship between video games and sound design. The book collects a series of songs, albums and video clips that have had a strong impact on gaming. In order to recreate the interactivity and the sonority, we have created visual stratagems useful to […]
ArtevinoStudio – Fil Rouge – Linea GDO Balbiano, ogni bottiglia è diversa
Il restyling delle etichette GDO Balbiano nasce dalla ricerca di una nuova immagine più attrattiva a scaffale per i sei prodotti della linea. Una grande mongolfiera dall’allure vintage domina lo spazio restituendo un’idea di leggerezza ed è declinata in ogni prodotto con colori diversi a sottolineare la differenza tra i vini. Ma le etichette di […]
Gianluca Pirotta – Green Ninki Sake
Sake giapponese, della pregiata tipologia Junmai Ginjo, noto per il suo profilo aromatico, fruttatto e floreale. Il Green Ninki è il primo sake con certificazione biologica prodotto nella regione del Tōhoku da Ninki-Ichi. L’etichetta così progettata richiama, attraverso il design e la scelta dei materiali, la sapienza artigianale dei produttori e l’attenzione che Ninki-Ichi rivolge […]
Bunker – Truffle Beauty
Identità e design per un nuovo brand maschile di luxury skincare, a base di essenza di pregiatissimo tartufo bianco italiano, fornito da Urbani Tartufi, leader mondiale del settore. Sono stati prodotti due packaging a tiratura limitata, rivestiti di Materica Verdigris: il prodotto singolo (Face Cream) e la gift box (Eye Serum, Face Serum e Face […]