S’inspirant des décors d’un théâtre aux reliefs juxtaposés les uns derrière les autres pour créer jeu de lumières et plans superposés, l’architecture de la carte décline quatre plateaux conçus en forme de pop-up, apportant profondeur et perspectives à la mise en scène. Sur fond de constellations bleu nuit illustré et incrusté de vignes et d’étoiles […]
Archivi: Progetti
Atelier Tout va bien – Silkscreen printer Lézard Graphique 2021 New Year Card
The french silkscreen master Lézard Graphique invites every year a new graphic design studio to imagine their New Year’s Eve greeting cards. Atelier Tout va bien had the pleasure of being invited for the 2021 card. From this rich collaboration emerged “Mascarade” (masquerade), a game for all ages, which, with a certain playfulness, mocks the […]
L’objectif est de marquer les esprits avec une carte représentant une adresse incontournable que l’on gardera comme un objet souvenir illustrant notre passage. Un jeu de gaufrage et d’embossage dans des teintes noires et bleues met en relief cette place emblématique d’une façon élégante, subtile et agréable au toucher. Le doré met en lumière l’édifice […]
Dewy Lab – Dewy Lab Chinese New Year Gift Box
When spring comes to the world, a tiger comes from the mountain and suddenly smells a burst of flower fragrance… Following the tiger, breaks into Dewy garden, smells a flower, chases a butterfly and rolls happily on the grass. With curiosity, looking forward to newborn. In the new year of the tiger, through the adventure […]
edding International GmbH – edding Acrylic-Marker Set-Range
For the new product launch of the edding acrylic marker range in spring 2021, Symbol Card was chosen as the material for all marker sets. Depending on the size of the set, 300g or 360g was used. The high whiteness of the surface combined with good embossing properties and a pleasant feel were decisive factors […]
Martha Salimbeni design studio – Jeanne déployée sans emploi
This edition gathers the works realized during the artistic residency “À propos des femmes et du travail” (About women and the work) elaborated by the House of Youth and Culture André Malraux of Montbard in Burgundy, in collaboration with the invited artist Gaëlle Cognée, as well as those (or extracts) resulting from the other workshops […]
Atelier Tout va bien – Fondation d’entreprise Hermès 2021 New Year cards
Set of three 2021 New Year’s Eve cards designed for the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès. Approached as an object to be handled and deployed, its soft curves and smooth gradients suggest the depth of an abstract landscape, a brighter horizon after a particularly challenging year. Printed in three different sport colors and carefully crafted, thanks to a […]
Phaidon Pres Ltd – Vitamin D3
Phaidon’s ‘Vitamin’ series has long proved an extraordinarily accurate predictor of tomorrow’s stars. This latest instalment is a cutting-edge and indispensable survey of the very best of contemporary drawing, as chosen by a panel of the world’s leading art experts Over the past 50 years, drawing has been elevated from a supporting role to a […]
Brighten the Corners – Anish Kapoor at Houghton Hall
Booklet/catalogue for Anish Kapoor’s exhibition of sculptures at Houghton Hall. We played with the ways in which contemporary scultpure would interact with the house’s traditional setting (tinting it pink, turning it upside down). […]
Bauhaus Uni Weimar – Horizonte 14 – Manifestationen
Diese Publikation habe ich mit Handina Murandu gestaltet: Die Horizonte – Magazin für Architekturdiskurs – ist ein jährlich erscheinendes Magazin mit wechselnde, Redaktions- und Gestaltungsteam. Es entsteht immer im Rahmen einer studentischen Initiative der Fakultät Urbanistik und Architektur der Bauhaus Universität Weimar. 500 Exemplare mit 320 Seiten. Das Thema dieser Ausgabe ist Manifestationen. Deswegen ist […]