Sparkling wines are drunk to mark special and memorable occasions. This is the underlying idea behind Today Blanc sparkling wine for today is the most important day. Therefore, Today Blanc labels feature confetti traditionally thrown to celebrate little, mundane things in life. Client: Osilovac Bruketa&Žinić&Grey: Nikola Žinić (Chief Creative Officer), Andrea Knapić (Art Director), Leopoldina […]
Archivi: Progetti
Beolitik – Flocon féérique gourmand en Papercraft
The « Village des Terroirs de Vanves » is an annual event that brings together gastronomy and arts & crafts. The city wishes to gather a family audience in a friendly and festive atmosphere to the colors of the Christmas holidays. In order to leave the usual visual codes and bring a touch of freshness […]
Sociotype – Sociotype Journal / Issue #1 — The Gesture
Sociotype Journal is a new platform for thoughts on culture and society, that also happens to be a type specimen. For each issue we invite some interesting people to help us explore a single theme, inspired by (and typeset in) a particular type family from Sociotype. Issue #1 features ten essays, seven image-led articles, and […]
CIEMME_Labels&Packaging® – Bière Cuvée
Bière Cuvée N° 1 è il primo blend “elevato” in barrique del birrificio pugliese Rebeers, del maestro Michele Solimando. Una special edition “vestita” con uno dei materiali autoadesivi più particolari ed esclusivi, una sottilissima lamina di vero legno di ciliegio. La naturalità e le venature presenti sulla superficie rendono ogni singola etichetta e ogni bottiglia […]
CIEMME_Labels&Packaging® – PERRTERRA
Un distillato nato dalla tradizione e per la tradizione della nostra inconfondibile terra. Grano e botaniche che raccontano di noi e che ci restituiscono, sorso dopo sorso, il senso del nostro essere. Un Gin creato da Tommaso Perrucci (Bramo i cioccolati) di Cerignola, che riesce a far suo il profumo in ogni singola stagione nel […]
FiN-Press@ – Decoration of New Year’s windows
Decoration of New Year’s windows in the shopping centers of Moscow and in the regions. Various Ri-Jet films from the Ritrama catalog were used, which proved to be the most suitable according to the “price-quality” criterion. Application at low temperatures. We also use Ritram translucent films Ri-Mark for the manufacture of illuminated letters and signs. […]
Centre national des arts plastiques – Graphisme en France 2021 Design graphique et société
Graphisme en France is an annual publication of the Centre national des arts plastiques for graphic designers, teachers, students and sponsors, with a circulation of 10,000 copies free of charge and in pdf format in French and English. Each issue deals with a subject by means of unpublished texts commissioned from researchers, designers, or critics […]
Domed Crystal labels for advertising and promotional application and for corporate branding are our most popular product. We make PU Domed labels without volume limitations! Domed Crystal Labels make brand look better and last longer than any other form of identification. For more attractive Domed Labels, we use a wide range of Ritrama media for […]
Formall CWS s.r.o. – The Quest for Universality: The Contexts of Industrial Architecture in Czechoslovakia 1945–1992 / Hledání univerzality: Kontexty průmyslové architektury v Československu 1945–1992
The transformation of a modern factory from an individually designed work of technology and architecture into a universal and abstract format was in any case closely interconnected with the integrated system of architectural design and construction that was set up. Thus, the conditions in which the creators of industrial buildings worked – not just architects, […]
LaTapadera Creaciones – Acromatica. Una partida inmortal
Acromática. Una partida inmortal is a tour of the work by Mabi Revuelta that uses chess as the common thread, inspired by the most artistic game in history: The Immortal Game (1851). The design of the commemorative book shows this tour in the following stages: Opening: her audiovisual work based on a chess design planned […]