Competing Projects 2025

Venicem, catalogo generaleOttone Studio

Since 2013, Venicem has been creating lamps and sculptural furnishings that stand out in the international context for their deep stylistic research. In 2023, the brand decided to encapsulate all its collections in a catalog, entrusting us with the creative direction of the project.

Balancing evocative images, technical specifications, and new imaginaries, we thus brought to life a volume with an unprecedented approach: PROCESS, COLLECTION AND AMBIENCES. In its pages, we encapsulated the history and experience of Venicem, highlighting its creative approach in three distinct moments.

At the core of the project is the desire to provide a unique narrative of the company that not only captures the peculiarities of the finished product but also tells its story through emotional suggestions.

Creative Communication
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Arena smooth White 120 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Symbol freelife gloss Premium White 130 g/m2
myCordenons - myNatural Evolution White 120 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Sirio color rough Royal Green 115 g/m2
Ottone Studio
Grafiche Antiga