Competing Projects 2025

Tipolastrocche. Filastrocche tipografiche | A Typographer's Mother GooseMaurizio Corraini s.r.l.

Tipolastrocche. Filastrocche tipografiche is a sophisticated volume where traditional nursery rhymes dialogue and intertwine with elegant typographic characters born from the genius of Louise Fili.

It’s a play of references and reiterations where the author, an international reference point in graphic and type design, elegantly combines rhymes and lettering, creating new compositions that will fascinate both adults and children. Page by page, we see the letters come to life, changing color, shape, and size; we follow them as they move, fall, run, bend, and slip away, like characters full of life.

The reader will rediscover the most famous nursery rhymes such as Ladybug, Humpty Dumpty, Three Blind Mice, and many other old favorites dressed in new and graceful editorial outfits!

Fedrigoni Special Papers - Arena bulk Natural 140 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Arena bulk Natural 120 g/m2
Corraini Edizioni
Louise Fili
Corraini Edizioni, Mantova