Competing Projects 2025

Scarpe da favolaMM Company

The book “Scarpe da favola” (Fairytale Shoes), realised for Assocalzaturifici, is an editorial project that recounts the most beautiful and extraordinary made-in-Italy shoes, enclosing a strong message of female empowerment. In fact, the editorial project starts from the rewriting of three famous classic fairy tales (Alice in Wonderland, Cinderella and the Wizard of Oz), whose female protagonists have been emancipated from the male figures in the original versions. In the new fairy tale, Luce (Alice, from Alice in Wonderland) has become a writer-activist, Gloria (Cinderella) a digital entrepreneur and Verdèlia (Dorothy, from The Wizard of Oz) an idealistic shopkeeper. The project, which has taken on a strong symbolic value, aims to combat all gender stereotypes and inspire new generations of entrepreneurs and businesswomen. The book, written by Lucia del Pasqua and illustrated by La Fille Bertha, was also accompanied by an immersive exhibition.

Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock White 140 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock Camoscio 140 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Freelife kendo White 120 g/m2
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Woodstock Betulla 140 g/m2
MM Company
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