Competing Projects 2025

Jana Šturdíková DOMMilan Nedvěd

Jana Šturdíková spent more than ten years photographing the life of various objects in an ordinary functionalist building in Bratislava designed by the Jewish architect Alexander Skutecký (1883–1944).
From the boileroom to the lighting rod and in ten flats, she went looking for original elements that had survived the years since the building’s construction in 1936.
She observed how they had been changed by use, how much they had been preserved, and what had been replaced.
Hers is a detailed look at how the grand history typical of the countries of central Europe in the twentieth and twenty-first century – Aryanization, the Second World War, nationalization, restitution – has flowed through the building and how it is reflected in seemingly insignificant details that we are accustomed to encountering in our everyday lives.

Czech Republic
Fedrigoni Special Papers - Symbol Tatami - HP Indigo White 135 g/m2
PositiF Publishing
Milan Nedvěd
Tiskárna Helbich