Competing Projects 2025

I MasiStudio Rindi ADV

The project for the wine labels originated from the interpretation of I Masi’s desire to stand out from other companies in the region: Montecarlo is a wine with predominantly masculine vibes, so the idea was to make I Masi’s wine feminine, identified through women’s faces created in the refined style of the artist Evelina Floris, which evokes concepts of prestige, elegance, and fashion. The faces are intended as the personification of the wine, which is thus named “il volto rosso” (the red face) and “il volto bianco” (the white face). In addition to the two base wines, a reserve will be released each year, and this project allows us to expand the line with a new face for each reserve, for the next 10 years.
For the olive oil label, we have re-proposed the pattern derived from the diamonds of the logo, hand-drawn to express liveliness and youthfulness, to give preciousness and elegance, as well as recognizability. The edge of the diamonds is made with hot gold foil.

Premium White WS FSC™
Laid Corolla WS FSC™
Azienda Agricola I Masi
Studio Rindi ADV
Modul Print